
Community Woodlands Project request




Hello, I am looking for a site to start up a forest school with small group of people near Reading. I was a teacher in an alternative primary school which promotes the connection between nature and people. I really love this idea and I hope I can be the agency that bring more people to the nature. That’s the reason why now I'm doing my Forest School Leader. My dream is to start up my own Forest School in long term, but now I need to find a place to run my own 6 sessions as a practicum first. Ideally it would be a woodland with trees and great biodiversity. It would be wonderful if campfire cooking and foraging is allowed. I am a nature lover so protecting the environment would definitely my priority. Please contact me if you can help or would like to discuss more. Thank you very much for taking your time to read. Cheers.



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Are you looking for a woodland to use for a project?

Enter your details in the form below and we will publicise your project to woodland owners. Your contact details will be made public, so that wood owners can contact you directly.

Please include details such as the potential community benefits of your project, your relevant experience, and how often you would be looking to use the woodland (whether one-off, seasonal, full-time, etc).

Please note that there will be a short delay while your submission is approved before it appears on the site.