The DiversiTree Project and Woodland Diversity
Rapid onset climate change, and the spread of new pests and diseases are creating unprecedented challenges to the long-term survivability of UK woodlands. This looming threat is becoming ever more tangible, and the need for strategies of resilience building is urgent. Promoting diversification within and amongst woodlands has been identified as one such strategy with the potential for significant, positive impact.
DiversiTree is a UKRI-funded project led by the James Hutton Institute which is measuring the impact a more diverse mixture of tree species has on building resilient woodland ecosystems, as well as how woodland managers and others understand woodland diversity, and what they are CURRENTLY doing to promote resilient woodlands. The project also hopes to generate practical advice and results which managers can use to make better informed decisions regarding the species mix of their woodlands, especially with regard to conifers.
A key question which often accompanies discussions of woodland diversity is the planting of non-native species within British woodlands. The DiversiTree project is taking an evidence-focussed approach to its assessment and are investigating how ecological resilience interacts with woodlands with different priorities or objectives and what this might mean for the longer-term ecological sustainability of the forests of the UK. In actuality, many native woodlands are rather species poor, and could potentially benefit from a period of managed diversification with native species, non-natives, or a mixture depending on local objectives and context. What is critical here, is understanding the ecological role ANY tree can serve in a complex landscape, and planting in a manner which enhances and strengthens a woodland’s biodiversity.
If you’d like to learn more about our work and keep updated with our progress, please follow us on Twitter @DiversiTree_UK ( or email with any questions.
Seumas Bates (Environmental Anthropologist, Bangor University)
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Get the FACTS and stop pushing the fake Carbon lie..
It’s anti-human..
18 September, 2023