Woodlands TV
![Woodlands TV](https://tom.woodlands.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/woodlandstv.jpg)
We have launched woodlandsTV.co.uk which aims to show the best films and video clips about UK woodlands. British woodlands are fascinating places in which to work and play and we want to bring some of this enthusiasm to your screen. You will find the films made so far hosted on Youtube. You can click here to see the first few films we have made:
http://www.youtube.com/user/WOODLANDSTV or you can simply type "WoodlandsTV" into the Youtube search bar on Youtube.com, or you can go to www.woodlandsTV.co.uk
People often ask us to describe woodland crafts and forest management techniques and we have always felt that the best way to learn about them is through actually watching them being done. That is exactly what we are offering here - demonstrations and hands-on action together with interviews and discussions. It may be that you are planning to do a project in a woodland and you want to get some idea of how other people would do it. We hope these films will help with inspiration and guidance.Maybe you yourself have made a woodlands-related film and would like it to be more widely seen - if so, we're the people to contact! Please let us know and we'll see if it's possible to host it for you. If you have a good idea but don't have the technology to make a film and would like us to do the rest, please make contact and we'll see if we can do the actual film-making with you. For example, perhaps you keep bees and would like to explain how you do it .... or maybe you have created a tree house and would like to describe how you built it .... or you want to show how hurdles are made. In any case send us an email to woodlandsTV@woodlands.co.uk telling us your ideas and let's see if we can do something together.We hope you have good viewing and ... please don't forget to tell us what you think on the comments section which is below each video.
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A good addition to the woodland.co.uk site
9 September, 2008